My most favorite types of crafts are ones that have a theme such as a holiday. Maybe it's because it's easier to come up with ideas.? Since the next holiday is Easter my mind has been reeling with ideas and sometimes Pinterest is very helpful!
I'm all about simplicity when it comes to crafts. I found this cute little craft on Pinterest. On this particular day I was babysitting my niece and nephew so that meant helping four little hands with paint and gently telling them to "only get paint on the paper!"
You will need:
white paint
construction paper (any color for the background)
pink construction paper
cotton ball
googly eyes
marker (we used pink an black)
I didn't get any step by step pictures because, like I said, I had four tiny hands covered in paint!
Have your child dip their hand in the white paint.
Then have them stamp the paper with their hand while keeping their pointer finger and middle finger together and their ring finger and pinkie together. Their thumb should stick out a little as this will be the tail.
Once the paint is dry, glue on pink construction paper for the ears, attach or draw on the eyes, draw on the nose, mouth and whiskers. Then glue the cotton ball to the thumb.

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